Wednesday, November 18, 2009

this is my blog, and i'll do what i want with it...

that's a bit of a lie. i *want* to share everything. show things i've knit and/or crocheted, share techniques (i've got a two-needle long-tail cast on that's actually stretchy. don't let the books lie to you and tell you that casting on over two needles helps. it just gets messy), and have beautiful photographs.

i'm working on it, okay?

anyway, i just dropped by to share another knitting desire i've had for a white: glittens.

i don't mean the fingerless gloves that flip a cover to make mittens (though i *do* want a pair of those as well). i mean mittens with a finger for your index finger. the other three fingers can share a pocket, but i want my index finger and thumb separate.

i'll get around to it eventually...

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